In summary, the common mistakes committed by the general public could be grouped into 6 areas.

1.We prefer to believe and rely on anecdotal stories when statistics showed otherwise.

2. We believe in coincidence rather than the role of chance. When you flipped a coin ten times and it landed 10 times with a head, we tend to become superstitious.

3. We misconceive our world. No two person sees the world the same way. We can see and hear things that don't really exist. This could happen to a group of individuals at the same time!

4. We tend to oversimplify matters using heuristics and ignore relevant information of base rates, sample size and regression to mean. We rely on what comes easily to mind and overestimate the likelihood of sensational events. When the price of a stock rises, we believe in seeing trend and applying technical analysis to explain it.

5. We have faculty memories. Shockingly it has been proven time and again that current beliefs, expectation , and even suggestive questioning can affect our memories. In effect, we reconstruct our memories, and with each reconstruction, our memories get further and further away from the truth.

6. We seek to confirm rather than question our thoughts and beliefs. We emphasises information that confirms our beliefs and in a way that supports what we expect or want to believe.