now "they" (conspiracy tone)  can watch our broke asses stand in line.  I mean, now I can watch the broke asses stand in line.  eh just dreaming, whatever (these things would have to be "the Saturn vehicle market prices for my budget to afford one.  And then how much fuel to run it?  Also what kind of training to fly one, or would it be like a video game and a pc screen?  and as ACLU mentions invasion of privacy. The song "MInd You Own Business."  comes to mind, or do we say screw it and have no lines of privacy? A sort of if I can climb high enough to see it and capture it, it is mine?

I think of the Jetson when I see this.  Being born on March 23rd "the day of Curiosity."  Voyeurism is considered a weakness as written in the birthday book, one would think this technology would be right up my ally.  But it seems sort of creepy.  The movie, The Lives Of Others comes to mind.  And "Substitution" eccentric individuals collecting databases could be a danger, or a new way to collect data for "Insider Trading" Tune in to meeting uninvited
Also What are the audio capture capabilities of these work, if at all?
The technology is becoming cheaper expanding the market for owning these drones?  I question the fuel budget for the FAA and just because we can do something should we?  Running with the idea A new type of reality show, call it "tapping in" 
I have to admit I would be interested in watching ;0


Report: "Protecting Privacy From Aerial Surveillance: Recommendations for Government Use of Drone Aircraft"


December 15, 2011

Unmanned aircraft carrying cameras raise the prospect of a significant new avenue for the surveillance of American life. Many Americans have heard of these aircraft, commonly called “drones,” because of their use overseas in places like Afghanistan and Yemen. But drones are coming to America, and, as an ACLU report concludes, protections must be put in place to guard our privacy. Download the report »

As technology is quickly becoming cheaper and more powerful, and interest in deploying drones among police departments is increasing around the country, our privacy laws are not strong enough to ensure that the new technology will be used responsibly and consistently with democratic values. 

In early 2012, the Federal Aviation Administration is expected to propose new rules to make it much easier for law enforcement agencies to gain permission to use drones in the U.S. If the FAA is unable to implement the needed reforms, then Congress must act.

The ACLU’s report outlines a set of protections that would help protect Americans’ privacy in the coming world of domestic drones. The report recommends that drones should not be deployed unless there are grounds to believe that they will collect evidence on a specific crime. If a drone will intrude on reasonable privacy expectations, a warrant should be required. The report also calls for restrictions on retaining images of identifiable people, as well as an open process for developing policies on how drones will be used. Download the report »

Routine aerial surveillance in American life would profoundly change the character of public life in the United States. Rules must be put in place to ensure that we can enjoy the benefits of this new technology without bringing us closer to a “surveillance society” in which our every move is monitored, tracked, recorded, and scrutinized by the authorities.

Download the report, “Protecting Privacy From Aerial Surveillance: Recommendations for Government Use of Drone Aircraft” »